Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Tips & Tricks for Students to Appear Smarter in Class


If we be honest, deep down we know we all have been there. The need to appear smarter arises especially in those early morning classes which we have to attend at any cost to make sure we are not dropped out due to low attendance (Been there, done that). We don’t have any clue what the instructor is talking about and we don’t remember what happened in the last class. We then tend to turn towards our classmates sitting on our right or left to catch-up, while still being half asleep and dreaming about the weekend or the project and assignments you were completing the night before.
All these things makes us look dumb. Well it’s our choice to look dumb or smart even in this scenario. To people out there with similar issues, here are some “Battle-Tested” tips and tricks to appear smarter in class.


Eye Contact
Gaze up and make strong eye contact with your teacher and really sell that you’re paying full attention, even if you’re just sleeping with your eyes open. The psychologists say that 6 seconds eye contact is minimum to attract the attention of the other person. Remember that!

Bring Your Own Stuff
You are not fully awake but this does not mean you have to look disoriented and seen just borrowing stuff from your classmates. Just the fact that you came prepared with a laptop fully charged and writing utensils like pen and a notepad will have others (especially your instructor) view you as an organized fellow who is ready to crush the class by taking it head-on.


Take notes of EVERYTHING
I myself start to take notes of everything even if I am drifting into sleep. I have seen everyone getting on their back foot, super impressed and thinking of me as a fully awake student (which I am not in those early morning classes). Also this helps later when you have to prepare for a quiz or assignment as you will have at least something to build up on in your notebook. Something is better than nothing!


Body Language
Nod, use body gestures and say things like “correct” “exactly” “obviously” to your instructor and classmates during class discussions. Sell your comments with strong body language. Just words will not work! One of my instructors at my university usually quote: “Fake it, Fake it, till you make it”. 

This is common knowledge that glasses make you look smarter. So even if you don’t need glasses for medical reasons, just buy a fake pair for attending class and taking selfies of course.


Asking the Right Questions
This tactic is a bit tricky. It is best if you already know the answer to your question you are going to ask to just participate in the class discussion to get the “class participation marks”. If possible, ask a related follow-up question. This will make it seem like you really absorbed and awake in the class. 

Speaking Power
Use English as your means of communication in the class. It’s OK if you participate only a little but make the input valuable and appealing. Use good vocabulary and you audience will listen to you and be impressed! (Especially in Pakistani Context)

Photo Credits: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

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